Monday, November 30, 2009

Science activity assignment

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

As your child may have told you, we will be doing a "surprise" science activity later this week, and I have asked each student to bring in some materials. First, EVERY child will need an empty clear plastic bottle with a cap--2 liter bottles or water bottles work best. Second, students are asked to bring one of the following items:

#1-6 vegetable oil (this does not need to be a full bottle, 2 cups should be plenty to share) #7-11 food coloring (this can be one color or several, and whatever is left will be
returned home)
#12-22 coarse salt/pretzel salt (just a cup or two in a ziploc bag should be plenty!)

Students will be keeping our finished "project" and bringing it home to show you! All materials are needed by this Wednesday, Dec. 2nd. Thank you!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9th

Tonight's Homework:
  • Reading--Read 15 minutes and fill out your log (make sure you at least read a little and fill out your log EACH night!)
  • Writing--Contract (due either this Friday, 11/13, or Monday, 11/16--check your letter for specific dates), write for 8 minutes
  • Math--Worksheet 9.1 (expressions with multiplication and division)
  • Science--(due Thursday) find the volume of five household liquids (this should be printed on the bottle--for example, a can of soda typically has 355 mL)--Remember to make sure your measurements are recorded in METRIC units!
  • Social Studies--packet due this week